Sunday, April 10, 2011

Crime Week!

    This week, in addition to our regular postings, we here at In the Mouth of Dorkness will be shining our spotlights on crime.  From novels to films to comic books and beyond, crime fascinates us.  Is it the allure of forbidden fruit or conscience free living?  The thrill of solving a riddle or of creating one?  I’m sure scholars far more versed in psychology and pop culture could debate it endlessly.  So I won’t. 

    Instead Brad and myself, along with guest columnist Dan from My Year in Crime, will be discussing a few things we like or that interest us, in relation to crime.  I’ll be discussing classic crime film, as well as some of its more modern descendants.  While Brad will enlighten us about a character he’s especially fond of.  And what Dan will write about still remains a mystery to me. 

    So, enjoy our little walk on the darker side of the street. 


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