Friday, March 18, 2011

Brian Taylor Spills More Ghost Rider 2 News!!!

Ghost Rider: Spirit of Vengeance co-director is spilling more beans about his new take on Johnny Blaze through AMC's vlog For Your Consideration.  Again, we all know that the first film was a complete and utter travesty, but everything I've heard about this new CRANK'd take gets me excited.


               --Taylor talks about casting the original Crank, "One of the first guys that I ever had in mind to play Chev Chelios in Crank was Nicolas Cage…that’s some pretty balls to the wall shit. Nic’s been one of my favorite guys ever…of course, I’d jump at the opportunity to work with him…Make The Ghost Rider movie that I wished I’d seen before."

               --Spirit of Vengeance is going to be "100% different from the first movie in everything except for Nic. Character is going to look different, feel different, sound different, the back story of the character is different…the whole cast is different...It’s pretty much a reboot only with the same actor…a requel."

               --The script they're working with is a retooling of David Goyer's (Batman Begins, Blade) draft from ten years ago.

               --Asked if Ghost Rider is "going to be the plastic skull anymore?"  Taylor responds dryly, "Yeah no."

               --They're planning on doing "a HUGE splash at the Comic Con...that’s when we want people to see what the new evolved Ghost Rider looks like."

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