Saturday, March 12, 2011

Barnes & Noble Ushers in The End Times!?!?!? YES!!!

Leading bookseller, Barnes and Noble, has recently added H.P. Lovecraft into their line of Leatherbound Classics.  Racking in at 1098 pages, The Omnibus retails for $20 and consists of the same table of contents found in their now out-of-print Library of Essential Writers edition--except now it's more Leathery!!!  B&N's Leatherbound line is no longer stuffed with boring Literary types like Jane Austen and Charles Dickens; recent additions have included HG Wells, Jules Verne, Anne Rice, and Michael Crichton.  

So, yeah, Lovecraft in Leather.  Honestly, I never thought I'd see the day.  Growing up I had to scour all the local used bookshops, sifting my way through various anthologies just to get a sneak at Lovecraft.  He was starting to get hip in the 90s with films like Re-Animator, Evil Dead, and In The Mouth of Madness bringing Lovecraft to the schoolyard.  Now, shops like Hot Topic carry Cthulhu plush dolls and Cthulhu fish bumper stickers.  And of course, there's all that Guillermo Del Toro shenanigans.  But when Barnes & Noble starts carrying Leatherbound Omnibuses, you know that Lovecraft has arrived...and that 2012 is just around the corner.


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