Friday, August 19, 2011

Fugitive Hells Angel arrested in Montreal

A routine traffic violation led Montreal police to a fugitive Hells Angels member wanted for drug trafficking and murder. Francois Hinse, 42, has been on the lam for more than two years after he was named in a major police roundup that targeted alleged leaders of the illicit biker gang organization.

Trois Riviere is another amazing place plagued with low life criminals. Not long ago Marvin put your shirt back on Ouimet was arrested after being on the Lam. He was wanted in connection with 22 murders and also faces several charges related to his financial activities, including fraud, extortion, and money laundering.

David Wolf Caroll is still hiding. He was a Quebec Nomad and is referred to as the godfather of the Halifax chapter. That's where David Giles is from. Mike McCrea was the reputed president of the Halifax chapter, world secretary and international webmaster.

In 2004, police said that Mike Christiansen had transferred to the East End Hells Angels chapter in B.C. where his former 13th Tribe brother, David Giles, was a member. But the Kelowna Daily Courier reported in June 2007 that Mr. Christiansen was one of the founding members of a new chapter in Kelowna. So if Giles and Christiansen were from the Halifax chapter and came out to Vancovuer then Kelowna with the Hells Angels, where is their friend David Wolf Caroll hiding? Why on earth would they call the "new" strategic alliance the Wolf Pack? Please advise.

Speaking of Quebec and Trios Rivierre, why does David Giles brag about his affiliation with the Trois Rivierre chapter after they have been charged with so many murders, extortion drug trafficking? Better yet, if David Giles brags about those criminal affiliations, why on earth are the wives of two prominent Kelowna businessmen giving him a body rub? Supporting gang violence is nothing to laugh about.

Speaking of the Rusty Vibrator, who on earth is that young girl he has been seen with? She looks like his great granddaughter. That just screams pedophilia. That's worse than Bruce Carson's young escort.

Libyan PM calls for dialogue to solve the Libyan crisis

Libya's Prime Minister Baghdadi Mahmudi speaks during a news conference in Tripoli May 26, 2011.

TRIPOLI, Aug. 18 -- Libyan Prime Minister Baghdadi Ali Mahmudi on Thursday called for dialogue to solve the Libyan crisis, saying that peaceful means is the necessary choice.

Speaking at a press conference after a cabinet meeting, Mahmudi said: "The Libyan crisis cannot be solved through military means, but through dialogue and consultative means," according to the state-run news agency.

"NATO should immediately stop the bombardment over the Libyan people, thus creating conditions for dialogue and consultation," he said.

"We are not on the weak side, though we proposed dialogue... that is because peaceful means is our choice. We hope the international community cooperate for a satisfactory solution," Mahmudi stressed.

He also said that "Various contacts are underway which is aimed at launching dialogue for a peaceful solution."


Squirrel monkeys turn to football stars

Squirrel monkeys play with ball at London Zoo, Aug. 18, 2011.

Squirrel monkeys play with ball at London Zoo, Aug. 18, 2011.

Squirrel monkeys play with ball at London Zoo, Aug. 18, 2011.

A squirrel monkey plays with ball at London Zoo, Aug. 18, 2011.


Thursday, August 18, 2011

Former cop charged with murder

A Penticton man has been charged with murder in his common-law wife's death after she was found shot to death in their home. That Penticton man is a former police officer. Castanet has a video clip of the arrest.

The Cherry Boys, All ’Bout Money, Catford Wildcats, Organized Crime: These are the names of a few youth gangs in South London, part of an estimated 170 active gangs in the United Kingdom.

Prime Minister David Cameron holds gangs like these partially responsible for the four nights of mayhem and looting that rocked London and several other English cities earlier this month after suspected gangster Mark Duggan was shot dead by police on Aug. 4.

Mr. Cameron’s now vowing a “concerted all-out war on gangs and gang culture.”

“This isn’t some side issue,” Cameron said days after the riots. “It is a major criminal disease that has infected streets and estates across our country. Stamping out these gangs is a new national priority.”

Cameron has asked former Los Angeles, New York, and Boston police commissioner Bill Bratton to help enact tough antigang measures. Yet, while Cameron gears up to pursue an aggressive set of law-and-order tactics, groups with experience battling gang violence in London say a more multifaceted approach is needed.

“It’s easy to give knee-jerk reactions and place an emphasis on law enforcement, but that doesn’t get to the cause of why people join gangs,” says Nick Mason, at the Growing Against Gangs (GAG) project that works with young students to deter gang membership. “The Prime Minister talks about ‘zero tolerance’ which people like [Mr. Bratton] advocate, but that is massively resource-intensive compared to our project.”

Youths needed to fear the police and possible punishment, Bratton told the Daily Telegraph newspaper.

“You want the criminal element to fear them, fear their ability to interrupt their own ability to carry out criminal behavior, and arrest and prosecute and incarcerate them,” said Bratton. “In my experience, the younger criminal element doesn’t fear the police and have been emboldened to challenge the police and effectively take them on.”

This emphasis on confrontation worries gang workers such as Mr. Mason. Working with the London police, staff at his GAG group speak to students aged between nine and 12 – when they are most susceptible to joining gangs – about the consequences and myths of membership. Over the past 18 months GAG has spoken to more than 3,700 children at 55 schools in five south London boroughs. It plans to expand the project across another 10 boroughs in the next 18 months.

“Prevention is better than cure and a lot cheaper. We’ve worked out that it costs around £1 [$1.65] per child, but if you compare that to putting someone through the criminal justice system and he gets a 12-month sentence, that can cost £150,000 [$248,242]. If someone is stabbed, that can cost the National Health Service £150,000 [$248,242]. So it makes sense to deter gang membership in the first place.”

Facilitators speak to pupils in intensive sessions, bringing in professionals such as surgeons to explain the consequences of stabbings and shootings, or former gang members on how prison affects inmates.

Gang violence has been ignored by the government and the public, says Christian Guy, director of policy at the Centre for Social Justice think tank.

“A lot of these gangs come from badly deprived areas with high unemployment and little hope,” he says. “The gang members have usually never worked or come from homes where parents have never worked. Their families are poor, anarchic, chaotic and often violent – and ironically gangs offer them a home and stability. After [the riots], the justice system has to take its course, but just arresting people is not the answer, because ... gang members who go to prison often come out martyrs and looking stronger.”

Indeed, gang life continues to hold an allure. In the poor South London neighborhood of Stockwell, single mother Doreen White worries about her two boys, ages 11 and nine.

“The gangs are out there and I know my boys will come across them at some point,” says Ms. White. “They’re threatening and have their own codes. They’ve got money and power and you can see why some kids get attracted to them because there’s nothing much else ’round here.”

Next to a memorial for young man recently shot dead in what was suspected to be a gang-related killing, a group of youths on bikes circle on the pavement.

Lincoln Park Piru, whose members included two brothers, Jeffrey and Tonie Future. Jeffrey Future is serving life in prison for his role in the slaying of Mr. Fernandez, a member of a rival street gang who was driven from Hazleton to Scranton and shot 12 times.

Following eight hours of deliberations over two days, a Lackawanna County jury convicted Christian Kenyon, a former West Scranton High School football player, on Wednesday of first-degree murder in a gang execution slaying on Snake Road in 2009.

Mr. Kenyon, 19, rested his chin in his hand, looking like a bored student, when the verdict carrying a life-in-prison sentence was read. His parents sat stoically in the back of the courtroom.

Besides the gang execution of Allen Fernandez, Mr. Kenyon was convicted of conspiracy to rob the Dunkin' Donuts on Moosic Street in Scranton along with related crimes and aggravated assault in a shooting on 10th Avenue in Scranton that left a man with life-threatening injuries.

Testimony during the eight-day trial provided a glimpse into the secretive world of Mr. Kenyon's Scranton street gang, the Lincoln Park Piru, whose members included two brothers, Jeffrey and Tonie Future. Jeffrey Future is serving life in prison for his role in the slaying of Mr. Fernandez, a member of a rival street gang who was driven from Hazleton to Scranton and shot 12 times.

Mr. Kenyon, testifying against the advice of his lawyers, said he was forced to participate in the execution of Mr. Fernandez that night by one of the other gunmen who shoved a gun in his stomach while suggesting he would be "food," gang slang for marked for death, if he did not join in the gunplay. It was an explanation the jury rejected in reaching its verdict.

State and local police who investigated the Snake Road slaying said Mr. Kenyon never mentioned that in any of his interviews, nor did he offer that explanation to his parents when they spoke to him while he was in prison. The jury heard audio tapes of those conversations in which Mr. Kenyon flatly stated he shot Mr. Fernandez.

The jury also read letters Mr. Kenyon and Tonie Future, another alleged gunman at the Snake Road murder who is awaiting trial, exchanged through a 16-year-old girl who agreed to act as a go-between for two gang members. Prosecutors said the letters and the tapes showed another side of Mr. Kenyon, that of a savvy gang member who talked about seeking revenge against the people he suspected had "ratted on" him regarding his involvement in the three crimes.

Those comments by Mr. Kenyon undermined the defense's claims that he was an impressionable teenager, a "follower" who fell in the wrong crowd.

During his testimony, Mr. Kenyon denied he was present the night Shaquan Burgess was shot twice outside an underage drinking party on 10th Avenue, and he denied he was at the Dunkin' Donuts on the night it was robbed at gunpoint by a masked man and a woman dressed as a man, who was later identified as Mr. Future's girlfriend.

In returning its verdict, the jury rejected Mr. Kenyon's story.

The jury convicted Mr. Kenyon of aggravated assault and a firearms offense but acquitted him of criminal attempt to commit first-degree murder.

In the Dunkin' Donuts case, the jury convicted Mr. Kenyon of criminal conspiracy to commit robbery, a firearms offense, receiving stolen property, theft, two counts of simple assault and two counts of reckless endangerment for each of the two clerks in the store. He was acquitted of aggravated assault and robbery with intent to inflict serious bodily injury.

Outside the courtroom, First Assistant District Attorney Gene Talerico, the lead prosecutor, praised what he called the "incredible" teamwork by state and local police and the FBI in solving the murder and following other leads that tied the three cases against Mr. Kenyon together.

Referring to the young ages of some the witnesses, Mr. Talerico, said "That's frightening that they are not drawn away from it (gangs), but drawn to it."

"You can't see what you've seen in the trial and not feel a sense of a pit in your stomach," Mr. Talerico said.

Asked if the investigation had spawned other gang investigations, Mr. Talerico said, "We are not able to talk about it."

Mr. Kenyon's parents and his lawyers declined to talk about the case.

A sentencing date for Mr. Kenyon has not been set by Judge Carmen Minora.

Police will be out in full force for the funeral of slain gang member Jonathan Bacon

Police will be out in full force for the funeral of slain gang member Jonathan Bacon to prevent any further violence, according to the spokesman for the police gang task force.

"There will be a significant police presence," said Sgt. Shinder Kirk of the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit.

"It may not be overt but there certainly will be uniformed officers on the periphery as well as plain clothes officers in attendance. That's to allow the family to grieve and to prevent any sort of violence."

He said police will be "actively carrying out policing duties" by photographing mourners and noting any activity among the attendees.

Any attempt to dissuade rival gang members from attending will be done if warranted, he said.

"We haven't done it before [warned mourners away] but we will look at each situation on a case-by-case basis," he said.

He also wouldn't rule out making arrests the day of the funeral.

It's not known where or when a service will be held for Bacon, 30, leader of the Red Scorpions who was gunned down outside the Delta Grand Okanagan, a casino and posh hotel in downtown Kelowna on Sunday afternoon.

A masked gunman shot at a white Porsche SUV, killing Bacon and wounding Larry Amero, a Hells Angel gangster, and possibly James Riach of the Independent Soliders gang, as well as two unidentified women before fleeing in a vehicle.

No arrests have been made in the brazen attack that shocked the quiet lakeside city. Amero is in hospital while Riach fled and hasn't been found.

Funeral homes in Bacon's hometown of Abbotsford said they haven't been asked to take care of arrangements for the burial but all would if asked and none were concerned about the potential for violence.

"We would accommodate them like any family who experienced a loss," said Angelo Rea of Woodlawn Funeral Home.

Tony Oliveira of Oliveira Funeral Home of Port Coquitlam said he would welcome the opportunity to serve the family, despite Bacon's criminal past. The Bacon family has a home in nearby Port Moody.

"I'm sure the cops will be watchng," he said.

He said gang members' services are usually held at Ocean View Funeral Home in Burnaby.

It's not known if Jonathan's brothers will attend the funeral. Jarrod, 28, is scheduled in court next month on charges of conspiracy to traffic cocaine, while Jamie, 26, is in jail for weapons and drug charges and awaiting trial for first-degree murder and conspiracy to commit murder in the notorious Surrey Six slayings.

B.C. Corrections has a policy to guide its staff in considering a request to attend a service. The decisions are made by managers, dependent on public safety, risk level of the inmate and likelihood of an escape attempt, according to a spokesman for the Public Safety and Solicitor General Ministry.

Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Shots in Surrey follow fatal attack in Kelowna

Hours after RCMP confirmed Red Scorpions leader Jonathan Bacon was the man slain outside a Kelowna hotel and said retaliation was a possibility, shots rang out in Surrey in what police called a targeted attack against a man with gang connections.

Mounties said they had not come across any evidence the two events were connected. But the Surrey incident highlighted the heightened tension in a province that was plagued by a bloody turf war and near-daily shootings two years ago.


Tattoos and painted nails

CTV reported that witnesses on the scene claimed the woman with brown hair in the white T-shirt was in the vehicle that was peppered with gunfire Saturday in Kelowna. CTV also reported that online comments identified her as Lyndsey Black, Hadden-Watts's roommate. Yet other reports claim Lyndsey Black was shot in the foot and taken to the hospital.

The guy in the picture obviously knows the girl witnesses claim was in the vehicle with Jonathon Bacon when he was shot dead. Note the guy's tattoo, gold chain, gangster swatch and painted nails. That's kind of strange. I missed the painted nails but someone sent me a link to the video and said to watch for it at 113 into the video clip.

He is also seen walking away from the scene in the other video clip with the same girl as well as the other guy people are thinking is James Riach. That hasn't been confirmed. Whoever he is, it looks like he has the same signature man purse. I couldn't see his nails. However, since it's a group of people it is also possible they were just witnesses who were hit with broken glass in the crossfire.

The guy in the blue shirt might have known the people in the car that was shot. This news clip shows him trying to get to the car walking past police tape then walking away with the guy people think is JR.

I can't keep up with all the comments on Kim's blog or on the Castanet thread but I really don't think James Riach was involved with the shooting if he was in the car like they claim. Being in the same car they were peppering with gunfire wouldn't make him a suspect. He would have information but like most gang members who get shot, likely wouldn't be cooperating with police.

Nor do I think this was a Hells angels hit on Larry. The girls have Hells angels affiliation. The Hells angels do murder their own but I really don't think they did this. If they wanted to kill Larry they could do that anytime.

Gang meeting in Kelowna

Looks like Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon weren't the only people of interest in Kelowna last weekend. Someone spotted this expensive Ferrari from Alberta pull into DeDutch on Saturday morning. They claim the guy that got out was small, covered in gold chains and looked like a pimp. Turns out it was a gang meeting alright.

A gang of car enthusiasts in town for Ryan Fipke's wedding at Sparkling hill resort at predator ridge golf course. Ryan is the son of Chuck Fipke the diamond mine owner. I always wondered why a Canadian diamond mine would also own diamond mines in Africa. What's to stop them from taking a conflict diamond in Africa and claim they found it in the Canadian frozen arctic? Then again, everyone says I read too many conspiracy theories. If they really have found diamonds in the Canadian arctic, then more power to them.

Obviously, if someone owns a diamond mine then that is a legitimate source of income. What we are concerned about is people who own several very expensive cars, boats and homes with no job and no tangible source of income. That is a concern when we see public gang violence tied to the illicit drug trade.

Someone sent in another photo of him with the car. They claim his name is Austin Powers. He's not a gang member. He's an exotic car dealer. The web site is on the car right in the first picture. People say he looks greasy. If he wants elegance and style perhaps someone should give him a bar of soap.

We have seen drug dealers buy large boats. That doesn't make every boat dealer a gang member. Drug dealers buy groceries too. That doesn't make the supermarket part of an organized crime ring. The Habibs were involved with cars in Calgary. I wonder if he knows them. How is their Oxycontin fraud case going anyways?

Gilligan's Island and the Cub pack

All this Bacon brother drama in Kelowna is reminiscent of a rerun of Gilligan's Island. Who knew the SS Minnow stood for Steroids and Silicone. I guess the Minnow was a side effect of Steroids. Larry Amero is the shipper obviously.

Jonathon Bacon was Gilligan taking orders from the Skipper.

James Riach is the Professor while the two girls are Ginger and Mary Ann. I'm told they were all pretty full of themselves while out for lunch at the Casino. As they say in Rome, Pride cometh before the fall. They aren't so full of themselves any more.

Of course Mr and Mrs Giles are the Howell's.

After all Giles' lawyer admitted Rempel made Giles $30,000.00 in a few months. Speaking of Skeletor, how's the Rusty Vibrator's DUI proceeding?

Kim Bolan referred to this "new" alliance as the Wolf Pack. Now that Jonathon's dead it looks more like the cub pack. Everyone knows it's not a new alliance. It's just newly documented. We all knew Larry and Jonathon were friends at the time of the Surrey Six murder. We just couldn't say it because we couldn't prove it.

Even though we could prove Larry's friends were Bacon brother friends at the time. Even though Larry and Weird Hal supported Revolution in Langley where murdered Bacon brother associate Kevin LeClair was from. Catching Larry Amero and Jonathon Bacon together was a new documentation of an old alliance. The presence of all the other Hells Angel relatives and associates proves it wasn't just Larry Supporting them all this time.

Police predict retaliation

The Vancouver Province reported that Doug Spence, a retired Vancouver Police gang investigator for over 15 years, said it's a given there will be retaliation of some sort. "You just don't know when," he said. "But these guys can't let anybody push them around. That's their world." No offence but that has got to be one of the stupidest statements a former police officer has ever given to the media.

It reminds me of the time over 20 years ago when a police officer was being interviewed about a youth gang shoot out where one car was chasing another car all over Vancouver shooting at it. He said the only thing that saved the target was that the shooters couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. The next day all the gang members showed up at shooters firing range for target lessons.

All this money spent on finding who shot a Hells angels. How much money is being spent on who the Hells angels have killed? Is this Kelowna gang task force looking into who killed Geoff Meisner? Geoff was a much better man than Jonathon ever was or would have been. How much resources are being invested in finding out who killed Britney Irving? Sure one guy is charged but that guy didn't act alone. How about Lindsay Buziak? The list goes on.

The police giving the Bacon brothers their own protection and surveillance cameras and the police protecting a Hells Angel from being shot sure makes it suspicious why they are so concerned when someone shoots a Hells Angel and why they are not concerned when the Hells angels contract someone's murder.

Let's talk about retaliation for one minute. The Bacon brothers are hated. No one likes them, no one respects then, no one fears them. People are afraid to stand beside them in case someone starts shooting at them.

Let's do some math. 1 Bacon brother shot dead. 4 Red Scorpion leaders shot dead in the Surrey six murder. Then the owner of the condo was shot dead in guildford parking lot shortly thereafter. Then the mother who was one of his associates was gunned down in guildford with her toddler in the back seat. To start off that makes six dead. 6 dead, one killed means there still remains some serious retaliation to be had but the score hasn't been settled yet because Jarred is still running around free possible in possession of the illicit boat.

Yes it is a tragedy that the niece of the Haney chapter president was paralyzed. She did not heed the [police warning not to associate with the Bacon brothers and her uncle didn't seem to mind. In fact the organization likely profited from her presence building ties with the Bacon brothers. This was no new alliance and it didn't just involve Larry. Practically everyone in that car had a Hells Angels affiliation. The Haney chapter had beef with the old Red Scorpions so the Bacon brothers hunted down and killed the old leadership then stile the name of the gang. They even had the audacity to make a new ugly red lobster logo that looked like a cheap Karate school from a B rated movie.

If the Hells angels retaliate, then it solidifies their support of the Bacon brothers in the Surrey Six murder. Something they have admittedly denied. Yet this continued alliance proves the association. If the Hells angels retaliate, then they publicly show their support for the most hated hillbillies in the Province.

The Bacon brothers are insignificant. They are not notorious. They do not have power in the prisons. The Hells angels do. If we want the violence to stop then we need to stop letting the Bacon brothers use the Hells Angels name and reputation to have imprisoned UN members beaten to almost to death.

If the Hells Angels don't retaliate and if they stop supporting the Bacon brothers and using their influence in prison to beat UN members, then Jarred will be spared and the score will be even. If the Hells Angels continue to support the Bacon brothers and retaliate with more shootings then it will never be settled.

Give your head a shake. This has nothing to do with retaliation. This has everything to do with greed and betrayal. Killing the competition so crack dealers can sell crack. Stop the public sale of crack and you stop the public drug related violence.

Kelowna mayor pleads for help

In an appeal to save her city, the Kelowna mayor pleads for help as fears mount that more violence will erupt after notorious Bacon brother slain. Thankfully the Provincial government has pledged more funds for the Gang task force in Kelowna. Unfortunately, Stephen Harper has cut funding to the RCMP and the Gang Task force after he received his coveted majority.

All we're hearing from the Harper government is how the hated Gordon Campbell got the High Commission post in the UK. That is criminal injustice. Someone wrote in to the Province and asked that Basi and Virk think about gordo now. Indeed.

India anti-corruption protest

Thousands of people took to the streets Wednesday in India to support activist Anna Hazare, who plans to stage a public hunger strike as part of a mass anti-corruption protest. Hazare says the current anti-corruption bill being considered by parliament isn't strong enough because it exempts senior judges and the prime minister from investigations.

Meanwhile back in merry old England, Clive Goodman warned executives after he was jailed in 2007 that hacking had been "fully supported" by the tabloid's editors, including Andy Coulson, who later became an adviser to David Cameron. Imagine that. Shortly after it was leaked out that the British police were involved in the phone hacking scandal, the whistle blower that leaked that information was found dead. Now we see another connection to David Cameron's government. Lets see if this whistle blower ends up dead too.

We hear a lot about charges against the London rioters but not a word about charges against Scotland Yard's CO19 for committing murder and for betraying the public trust by lying about it. Perhaps England and Canada could do with a few anti corruption laws too.

Holy Shakespeare, Batman!

How had I not heard about this crazyass looking Shakespeare adaptation?  I love when people mess with the Bard like this.  Richard IIITitusForbidden Planet.  Great stuff.  Can't wait for this little bit of madness. 


The Woman in Black--New Trailer!

I'm not a really big fan of ghost stories, generally.  Like possession stories, I feel they've run their course, and are usually just retreading the same territory over and over.  That said, I am a fan of classic Hammer Horror, and I'm glad to see the reborn Hammer doing something a little more in tune with their older films (not to say classic Hammer was restricted to Gothic horror, but it was often what they did best).  So, check out this trailer for their new film, The Woman in Black.  Finally more than just a teaser.


Person of interest

Everyone is wondering who the guy with a wounded arms seen in the Kelowna video clip leaving the scene is. Many are wondering if it's James Riach. I thought James Riach went to the hospital. This guy is walking away with a group of people on his own accord. Anyone recognize him? Obviously we'd like to get a photo of Riach to compare if anyone has one.

The Vancouver Province is reporting that James Riach fled the scene. Maybe this screen clip is him after all. News 1130 also reported that James Riach is still on the loose despite the fact that one source claims they heard on a police scanner that the police had one suspect in custody. It's not clear if that meant protective custody or under arrest. However, since it's a group of people it is also possible they were just witnesses who were hit with broken glass in the crossfire.

Another source claims Riach was taken to hospital and later released which would men this is not him.

Former United Nations gangster appeared in court today

Two days after Jonathan Bacon was brazenly gunned down outside a Kelowna casino, a case proceeded in Vancouver courts with links to his brother.
Former self described leader of the United Nations gang, Doug Vanelstine appeared via video link in a hearing in Vancouver court today. A judge in the case made some key decisions in a disclosure hearing but a publication ban prevents those from being revealed. Vanelstine is facing charges of conspiracy to traffic in a controlled substance and possession of cocaine for purpose of trafficking. 
The case comes as a result of an elaborate police undercover operation which also resulted in the arrest of Jarrod Bacon. 
Bacon faces charges of conspiracy to traffic in a controlled substance his case will be heard in Octobe


Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Kelowna shooting victim left paralyzed

The Calgary Sun has reported that friends of the victim claim one of the two girls with Jonathon Bacon and Larry Amero in the brazen daytime shooting has been left a paraplegic. The names have been released but we're still not sure which Hells angel one was the niece of and which Hells Angel the other was the girlfriend of.

The Vancouver Province is reporting A 21-year-old Maple Ridge woman, who is related to several Haney Hells Angels members, was paralyzed in the brazen hit that killed notorious gangster Jonathan Bacon.

It is tragic the girl is paralyzed. Just like it was tragic when Louise Russo was caught in the cross fire at a Toronto sandwich shop when Toronto Hells Angel Paris Christoforou teamed up with mobster Peter Scarcella in a drug related gang hit.

One person commenting on the article pointed out that the police did issue a public warning not to associate with the Bacon brothers because there was a gang hit on them. It is a tragedy these two girls were wounded, one seriously. Yet they were wanted not to associate with them and did so anyways. They also knew where the money from that boat and everything else was coming from. The mother they shot in Toronto was a completely innocent bystander.

Again, I think it is terrible these two girls were shot one chronically. Yet that is something the Hells angels do. The Hells angels are quick to kill a spouse along with a target just because. The Hells angels are the first ones to threaten someones family. I'm certainly not saying they deserved it. I'm saying that is what they do but we need to take the higher road. The solution is simple. It involves implementing the New York model not the Amsterdam model.


CTV is reporting it was the niece of Michael Hadden, who runs the Haney Hawgs motorcycle shop in Maple Ridge and is believed to be a full-patch member of the Haney Hells Angels chapter. Tragic to hear she is paralyzed. She didn't deserve that. No one does.

It's also sad her Uncle let her go out in public with someone who he knew was at risk of being shot at. Obviously kids can do what they want and go where they want. It would be a deep tragedy if she was sent as am ambassador for the club trying to maintain a close association with someone like the Bacon brothers. That's kind of like how they said the Hells angels would never associate with someone like Robert or Dave Pickton but they did and the Haney chapter was at the centre of it.

Jonathon and Larry's Boat

Speaking of Robert Shannon's boat, here's an interesting photo. An anonymous source claims they saw this boat was pulling out from the public dock in the Okanagan lake in Kelowna less than a block from the Grand hotel where the shooting took place the following day. This happened around 3:00 PM on the Saturday.

The witness claims when they saw the boat they jokingly said that must belong to a drug dealer. Then to their surprise they recognized the driver and passenger from photos on this web site. They claim the driver looked like Jonathon Bacon and the passenger looked like Larry Amero. They stopped at the dock and picked up another tattooed guy and two girls.

I certainly don't condone the evil these guys do to make their money. Obviously if these guys are riding around in a boat like this it was bought with drug money. I wonder how many addicts fingers were cut off or how many addicts were tortured in crack house basements to pay for that boat? It represents the epitome of greed.

The boat does have a strange name: Steroids & Silicone. Silicone as in implants? What a plastic world. The witness did say it looked like Jonathon was on steroids. We know Larry has. Another source claims they knew Larry in high school. They claims Larry went to Walnut Grove in Langley. They said he was skinny and got picked on. So there ya have it. Take steroids, join a gang and sell crack. That way you can get payback for being picked on all those years and become a bully. The problem is, steroids don't make you bullet proof and any 12 year old kid can pull a trigger. Steroids & Silicone certainly isn't something I'd put on my tombstone.

Target of Facebook murder-for-hire is shot dead

Teens London Eley and Timothy Bynum insist they were just blowing off steam when they posted a Facebook exchange about a plot to kill the father of Eley's baby.

But target Corey White's family saw the posts this spring and called police. A Philadelphia judge on Monday upheld felony charges against the pair, who have been detained since their June arrest.

Hours later, the 22-year-old White was gunned down on a southwest Philadelphia street.

"I get the speculative connection to my client," said defense lawyer Gerald Stein, who represents Eley. "The hearing being yesterday and then, boom, the guy's dead a couple of hours later?"

He believes it's mere coincidence — but is nevertheless glad his client was still in custody Monday night when White was killed.

Police said they have several leads in the precision hit on White, not all of them related to the Facebook plot.

Detectives in nearby Upper Darby had been looking to talk to White about a July 18 slaying outside a nightclub. They have a warrant for the suspected gunman, but heard talk that White was the getaway driver and wanted to question him, Superintendent Michael Chitwood said Tuesday.

Police believe the man who shot White had carjacked two movie-goers in Upper Darby at 7:30 p.m., then driven the car to White's neighborhood nearby. One or two men in the car briefly argued with White before the gunman stepped outside and shot him once in the chest. The stolen car was found torched four hours later.

"It could be the Facebook caper that the girlfriend (allegedly arranged) ... or it could be in retaliation for this homicide," Chitwood told The Associated Press.

Eley, who turned 20 last month, was fighting with White this spring about custody of their baby, among other things. The baby was staying with White's family, Stein said.

"That was part of the underlying contention," the attorney said.

After a heated argument in May, police say, Eley wrote on her Facebook page: "I will pay somebody a stack to kill my baby father."

The 18-year-old Bynum, of nearby Darby, answered the call, police alleged.

"Say no more ... what he look like ... where he be at ... need that stack 1st," Bynum allegedly wrote.

A "stack" is slang for $1,000.

Stein has argued that his client was merely venting about her ex-boyfriend and had no intention of following through. But he acknowledges that such rants can have serious consequences when they're posted online.

"Unfortunately, it sort of magnifies the anger," Stein said.

Prosecutors do not believe Eley was joking about the hit. They say she insisted to Bynum, an online friend, that she was serious.

The Philadelphia Inquirer first reported White's death. No one answered the door at his family's home Tuesday afternoon.

Bynum's lawyer, Lopez Thompson, said his family is devastated by the news.

Thompson insisted his client had no intention of killing White when he responded to the Facebook message and had nothing to do with White's shooting. The two did not know each other, Thompson said.

He described Bynum as a high school student with no prior arrests.

Eley has a simple assault case going to trial soon. Her lawyer in that case did not think it involved White.

White had testified at a preliminary hearing in the Facebook case a few weeks ago.

"There was never any indication that he was fearful for his life," Thompson recalled.

Thompson argued that his client had never even been given White's name or a description of him. Police say they found three guns in Bynum's home, but Thompson said one was legally registered to a parent, another was a BB gun and the third was inoperable.

Common Pleas Judge Patrick Dugan on Monday upheld a murder solicitation charge against Eley and a murder conspiracy charge against Bynum. Both are also charged with the illegal use of a computer. No gun charges have been filed against Bynum, although an investigation is under way.

Philadelphia police agree it's too early to say if the Facebook posts led to White's shooting.

"There are a couple of other theories out there," Philadelphia homicide Capt. James Clark said at a news conference.

Stein is glad his client could not make bail Monday, even after it was reduced from $50,000 to $35,000. Bynum, too, remains in custody until a Sept. 6 arraignment on $50,000 bail.

"I'm sort of somewhat happy, ironically, that she was in custody, so at least we know physically she's not involved," he said.


Firearms from ATF sting linked to 11 more violent crimes

Firearms from the ATF's Fast and Furious weapons-trafficking investigation turned up at the scenes of at least 11 violent crimes in the U.S. as well as at a U.S. Border Patrol agent's slaying in southern Arizona last year, the Justice Department has acknowledged to Congress.

Justice did not provide any details about those crimes. But The Times has learned that they occurred in several Arizona cities, including Phoenix, where Operation Fast and Furious was managed, as well as in El Paso, Texas, where a total of 42 Fast and Furious weapons were seized at two separate crime scenes.

The new numbers, which vastly expand the scope of the danger the program posed to U.S. citizens over a 14-month period, are contained in a letter that Justice Department officials turned over to the Senate Judiciary Committee last month.

DOCUMENTS: Fast and Furious paper trail

In the letter, obtained by The Times on Tuesday, Justice officials also reported that ATF officials advised them that the ATF's acting director, Kenneth Melson, "likely became aware" of Fast and Furious as early as December 2009, a month after the program began.

Melson has said he did not learn about how the program was run until January of this year, when it was canceled.

The July 22 letter, signed by Assistant Atty. Gen. Ronald Weich, was sent to Sens. Patrick J. Leahy (D-Vt.) and Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa), the top members of the Senate Judiciary Committee. It was in response to questions posed to the Justice Department about Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. and Fast and Furious.

The program was intended to identify Mexican drug cartel leaders and smuggling routes across the border by allowing illegal purchases of firearms and then tracking the weapons. Instead, many of the guns simply vanished.

Weich said that although the "ATF does not have complete information" on all the lost guns, "it is our understanding that ATF is aware of 11 instances" beyond the Border Patrol agent's killing where a Fast and Furious firearm "was recovered in connection with a crime of violence in the United States."

Justice officials did not provide any more details about those crimes or how many guns were found.

But a source close to the unfolding controversy, who spoke on condition of anonymity because of the continuing investigation, said that as early as January 2010, just after the operation began, Fast and Furious weapons had turned up at crime scenes in Phoenix, Nogales, Douglas and Glendale in Arizona, and in El Paso. The largest haul was 40 Fast and Furious weapons at one crime scene in El Paso.

In all, 57 Fast and Furious weapons were recovered at those six U.S. crime scenes, in addition to the two seized where Agent Brian Terry was killed.

Weich's letter also said a total of 1,418 firearms were circulated under Fast and Furious. How many remain missing in the U.S. and Mexico is unclear. That total is considerably lower than earlier estimates: In the past, authorities have estimated that at least 2,000 guns had vanished.

Melson has told congressional investigators that he learned how the program was operated in the field only after it was shut down last January.

But Weich wrote that the ATF has advised Justice officials that Melson "likely became aware on or about Dec. 9, 2009, as part of a briefing following a seizure of weapons in Douglas, Ariz."

Weich added that the ATF told Justice that although Melson was not given "regular" briefings on Fast and Furious, "periodic updates were provided to the acting director as determined to be necessary by the [ATF] Office of Field Operations. These briefings typically coincided with planned field visits or in preparation for meetings."

Weich added that Holder first spoke to Melson about Fast and Furious "in or about late April" of this year, after the attorney general first learned of the program and during a regular briefing.

Senior Justice officials have insisted they did not know about the "operational tactics" of the program, and the Weich letter reemphasized that point. Weich noted that the officials are cooperating with investigations by Congress and the Justice Department Inspector General's Office, which reflects "our commitment to learning the facts underlying this matter


member of the Fruit Town and Brick City Brims set of the Bloods street gang admitted today to conspiring to murder a rival gang member

member of the Fruit Town and Brick City Brims set of the Bloods street gang admitted today to conspiring to murder a rival gang member in April 2009 and illegally possessing firearms, U.S. Attorney Paul J. Fishman announced.

Thomas Haskins, 26, of Jersey City, N.J., pleaded guilty to an information charging him with one count of conspiracy to commit murder in aid of racketeering and one count of possession of two firearms while a convicted felon. Haskins entered his guilty plea before U.S. District Judge Stanley R. Chesler in Newark federal court.

According to documents filed in this case and statements made in court:

Haskins admitted that he conspired with other Fruit Town and Brick City Brims members—including Gerard Jennette, a/k/a “Swizzy,” and Samad McCallum—to kill a rival gang member, identified in court documents as “M.B.” They believed M.B. was responsible for ordering the murder of two Fruit Town and Brick City Brims members in Jersey City.

On April 27, 2009, Haskins, Jennette, and McCallum were arrested in Jersey City in a van with a loaded Kahr 9 millimeter handgun, a loaded Intratech Luger 9 millimeter semi-automatic Tec-9, and three ski masks.

Each count to which Haskins pleaded guilty carries a maximum potential penalty of 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine. Haskins is currently scheduled to be sentenced on November 11, 2011.

U.S. Attorney Fishman credited special agents of the FBI, under the direction of Special Agent in Charge Michael B. Ward; law enforcement officers from the Hudson County Sheriff’s Office, under the direction of Sheriff Frank X. Schillari; the Jersey City Police Department, under the direction of Police Director Samuel Jefferson and Chief Thomas Comey; and the Hudson County Prosecutor’s Office, under the direction of Prosecutor Edward J. De Fazio, with the investigation leading to today’s guilty plea.

The government is represented by Assistant U.S. Attorneys Melissa Jampol, Lisa Colone, and Robert Frazer of the U.S. Attorney’s Office Organized Crime/Gangs Unit in Newark.

McCallum pleaded guilty to the same charges on July 22, 2011.

As for Jennette, the charges and allegations in the Complaint against him are merely accusations, and the defendant is considered innocent unless and until proven guilty.

Shot Mark Duggan’s fiancĂ©e held in drugs raid

THE fiancée of gangster suspect Mark Duggan has been arrested and quizzed over drug dealing after a large stash of cocaine was allegedly found at her home.
Since he was shot dead by cops almost two weeks ago, Semone Wilson, 29, has insisted her partner had no links to violent gun and drugs gangs.

But she is at the centre of a police investigation after officers from Scotland Yard's Operation Trident team - the same unit trailing Duggan before he died - raided her Tottenham home.

They allegedly found a large quantity of the class A drug and Wilson, mum to three of Duggan's five kids, was arrested.

She was quizzed on suspicion of possession of drugs with intent to supply then released on police bail until September.

A 25-year-old man was also questioned and bailed.

News of Wilson's arrest, which took place in June, is so sensitive that Scotland Yard top brass had to inform the Independent Police Complaints Commission before confirming she had been held.

Surrey Gang related Shooting

Conflicting reports about a shooting in Surrey last night where Global is reporting three gang members were targeted. Global says the shooting took place outside a nightclub in Surrey. They include a photo of 153 street and 101 Avenue.

CBC reports that just after 10:30 p.m. neighbours reported gunshots in the 10100 block of 153rd Street, outside a nightclub near Surrey's Guilford neighbourhood. The Sun is reporting the attack happened at around 10:40 p.m. near the intersection of 101st Avenue and 153rd Street.

Not to be picky but there is no nightclub at 101 and 153 street. The Mirage is at the 15300 block of 102A Ave with a parking lot on 153rd. That is a nightclub alright but it sure isn't a gang affiliated club. It's a teenie bopper nigh club where young surrey girls dressed like tramps get falling on the floor drunk and all the slimy opportunist come to exploit the madness. They mentioned the Mirage in that Dirty Surrey remix of the Miley Cyrus spoof.

So I'm not sure if the neighbours at 101 and 153 heard gun shots of if they had left the Mirage and someone targeted them or if the Mirage was just a nearby reference point. The point is there was another shooting in Surrey last night and the targets had gang affiliations. The suspect fled on foot. Doesn't sound like a professional hit to me. We'll have to wait and see if the police will release the names of the victims before we can speculate on motive and gang affiliations.

Today the Province mentioned the Mirage and reported that the shooter fled in a vehicle not on foot. The Mirage is part of Bar watch. They scan your ID and take your picture. If the shooters or the target were at the mirage that night the police know exactly who they are. It's disappointing they are withholding information from the public and not releasing the names. If they released the names, they'd get more tips and have an easier time solving the case.

Gun fire erupted on the street in Surrey last night.

As many as three individuals came under what appears to be a targetted attack in Guildford, police say.

“Based on [the targets’] background, it seems there is a level of gang affiliation,” said RCMP spokesman Sgt. Peter Thiessen early Tuesday morning.

He said the attack happened at around 10:40 p.m. near the intersection of 101st Avenue and 153rd Street.

There were a “number of people” that witnessed the attack, he said.

“Numerous shots were fired toward the individuals,” Thiessen said, adding that the injuries are “minor.”

At this early stage of the investigation he said police couldn’t say if the attack had anything to do with the fatal mass shooting in Kelowna on Sunday afternoon, which took the life of notorious Red Scorpion gangster Jonathan Bacon, wounded three others, and possibly injured a fifth person—who fled the scene.

“We’ll be looking at whether there is a connection to what happened in Kelowna,” he said. “We’re aware that people sense that a gang war is erupting.”

The officer said investigators are speaking with the individuals who came under fire.

Thiessen said police have seen this sort of violence in the past and “there are strategies in place.”

The first step, he said, is to start gathering intelligence.

Revenge may be on horizon after Kelowna ambush

A settling of scores could be on the way between gangs in British Columbia after a notorious leader of the Red Scorpions was gunned down and a full-patch member of the Hells Angels was wounded in a very public daylight attack, police say.

The brazen slaying of 30-year-old Jonathan Bacon outside a glamorous waterfront hotel in Kelowna Sunday has the potential to ignite violent reprisals, RCMP Supt. Bill McKinnon acknowledged Monday, a day after the shooting that injured at least four others at the time.

"I think retaliation is something we're very cautious of," the officer told a news conference in the B.C. Interior city.

"Where it might happen, whether it'll happen in Kelowna or any community in this province is something that law enforcement officials are very leery of at this particular time.

"I can't comment on expectations. I think it's a possibility that it could happen."

No arrests have yet been made in the high-profile slaying that police described as linked to organized crime. Const. Steve Holmes said it was targeted but he wouldn't say who in the group was the intended victim.

One person in the Porsche SUV that was hit by the volley of gunfire fled the scene and hasn't been located. Two women were also wounded.

Forensic experts are examining a burnt-out SUV that was found some hours later to see if it's linked.

The police were reluctant to release other details of their investigation, refusing to say how many suspects they're looking for or what kind of weapon was used.

"The investigation is looking at the motive behind Sunday's attack," McKinnon said, adding he wouldn't comment on whether police were already aware gang members were in the city.

"While there can be a series of complex cause-based factors behind it, it can also be as simple as who is dating whom."

Experts in the province's long-running gang violence agreed Monday British Columbians should brace themselves for the possibility of ugly vengeance.

"Definitely this won't be taken lightly by the associates of the supposed victims here," said Kash Heed, a former West Vancouver police chief who helped spearhead the province's anti-gangs task force almost a decade ago.

"I'm sure there will be attempts or certainly a lot of discussion regarding retaliation."

Heed, now a Vancouver-area MLA, said the public should be alarmed.

"Just because we did not have an innocent bystander hurt here, we've have had innocent bystanders hurt and killed in the past," he said, explaining that's why he's urging police to ramp up efforts and co-operation across jurisdictions before more bloody warfare erupts.

"We've known the players for years. ... The infamous Bacon gang, the Red Scorpions, the UN gang, the Hells Angels, the Independent Soldiers. You just got to put the pieces of the puzzle together. And you need to do it with intel-led policing."

Sgt. Shinder Kirk, spokesman for the Combined Forces Special Enforcement Unit which includes the gangs task force, said the shooting shows that gang tensions in the province haven't gone away.

Gangland activity has killed and injured dozens of people in B.C.'s Lower Mainland in recent years. Turf battles have been waged between a variety of different gangs, some over drug profits, with at least four dozen shootings in 2009 in the Vancouver area alone.

Two people in the wrong place at the wrong time were shot to death along with four other men in a Surrey, B.C. apartment building in October 2007. Police blamed the Red Scorpions and Jamie Bacon is among those charged with murder.

"It's very difficult to say what motivated this or motivates any of these types of shootings," Kirk said, noting he couldn't speak to the specifics of the Kelowna case.

"Is it long-standing disputes? We know that in the gang world, they have very long memories and the violence can occur for not only what the group or the individual within the group is up to, but it can occur for any reason."

Whether tit-for-tat clashes are likely "remains to be seen," Kirk said.

He noted that generally, when gang violence occurs, police work not only to finger those responsible, but also to determine "what potentially could fall out as a result of whatever may have occurred, (and) also to look at making arrests and monitoring individuals that are extremely high-profile that could likely get involved."

Anxiety is already building for some officials who work on the front lines in dealing with the repercussions of gang violence.

Vancouver General Hospital imposed a controlled access procedure for almost three hours early Monday morning, restricting visitors to the facility in what a hospital spokeswoman called a safety precaution.

She could not elaborate, but RCMP Insp. Bryon Massie said a patient with a known gang affiliation was being treated.

"They wanted to make sure that the staff and any of the patients at the hospital were not going to be subject to any of the influx of their friends coming in, who would have some gang history," said Massie.

He said the patient was not what he called "a gang player" and wouldn't say if the patient was linked to the Kelowna attack. But he agreed people are nervous about a renewed gang war.

"Any time you are dealing with anything of the nature that took place in Kelowna, I would think that does kind of raise a little bit of a heightened anxiety throughout the whole province," he said.

Witnesses reported spotting suspects dressed all in black brandishing what looked like semi-automatic weapons and then hearing a rapid succession of gunshots, leaving a splatter of blood and the vehicle dappled with bullet holes.

The clamour unfolded outside the front entrance of the swanky Delta Grand hotel after a silvery-green SUV stopped behind the victims' vehicle about 2:45 p.m. PT.

Daniel Bibby, the hotel's general manager, said it was a "tough day" for employees, about 150 who banded together to soothe terrified guests. He said neither Bacon, nor the other victims, were registered guests at the hotel.

"They could have been using different names, it's really hard for me to know at this point," he said, adding he'd prefer to defer to the RCMP on providing further details.

Jonathan and his youngest brother Jamie have escaped attempted assassinations in the past, and in 2008 police warned anyone associated with Jamie and middle brother Jarrod that they may be in danger because of the violence around the brothers.

The three have had repeated run-ins with the law over gun-and-drug offences. Police have said they are the nucleus of the Red Scorpions gang.

Youngest brother Jamie Bacon is currently serving a prison term.

Jonathan Bacon, the eldest, was charged in a case that the Supreme Court of Canada said last year it would review after a lower court found his charter rights were violated when he was charged with drug-and-gun offences in 2005.

Prosecutors have been hampered in their efforts to get convictions on other gang-related crimes.

In April, the Crown stayed charges against the purported leader of the Sanghera crime group, which police blamed for at least 20 fatal shootings.


Mila Kunis in panties on GQ

Mila Kunis poses in her panties for the cover of the upcoming August 2011 issue of GQ Magazine.

Mila Kunis poses in her panties for the cover of the upcoming August 2011 issue of GQ Magazine.

Mila Kunis poses in her panties for the cover of the upcoming August 2011 issue of GQ Magazine.

Mila Kunis poses in her panties for the cover of the upcoming August 2011 issue of GQ Magazine.

Mila Kunis poses in her panties for the cover of the upcoming August 2011 issue of GQ Magazine.

Mila Kunis poses for the cover of the upcoming August 2011 issue of GQ Magazine.

Mila Kunis poses for the cover of the upcoming August 2011 issue of GQ Magazine.

Mila Kunis poses for the cover of the upcoming August 2011 issue of GQ Magazine.


Monday, August 15, 2011

New Release Tuesday (8/16/11)!!!

Must Buy DVD of the Week!

THE KILLING (CRITERION BLU):  It has been far too long since I've seen this flick and I'm more than a little excited to get this new Criterion in my player.  Everyone loves 2001, The Shining, A Clockwork Orange, and Full Metal Jacket but not enough love is given to either The Killing or Killer's Kiss (which appears here as a bonus feature!).  A great caper flick with frontman Sterling Hayden as a professional criminal worthy of Richard Stark's Parker.  Beautiful black & white photography I can't wait to see in 1080p.


BATMAN THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD SEASON TWO PART ONE:  Yeah, yeah, yeah I know you're all in love with Bruce Timm's animated series (and you totally should be), but if you love Batman and especially if you love the wacky history of Batman than you must see The Brave and The Bold.  Crazy Quilt!  Equinox!  Bat-Mite!  This show is nuts and a total hoot.  

JOHN CARPENTER'S THE WARD:  Honestly, I haven't heard to many good things about John Carpenter's latest but I don't care.  I'll buy every Ghosts of Mars, every Memoirs of an Invisible Man that he has in him cuz the man delivered Big Trouble in Little China into my life.  I owe him every cent.  Plus, the trailers for this flick still look promising to me and I'm liking Amber Heard more and more (I can't help but adore her in Drive Angry).  So yeah, Carpenter you got my faith.

THE BIG LEBOWSKI (BLU):  One of my favorite Coen Brothers films that I'm sure will look absolutely stunning on blu.  There's no need to really drone on and on about this flick.  You know it's awesome.  Just ask What Would Jesus Do?

COBRA (BLU):  A childhood classic, Cobra is the ultimate exercise is 80s gratuitous grime and violence.  When this 10 year old first witnessed Sly Stallone cure the streets of crime I was forever haunted with nightmares of roving axe cults and Brian Thompson's horrible grunting smirk.  Love the grit of this picture and I'm curious to see if the blu wipes it too clean.  Demolition Man, The Specialist, and Assassins also hit blu today but none of those come close to the badassery of Cobra.

DEXTER SEASON 5:  A show that I only watch on DVD, so I'm still behind on what exactly happened in the wake of John Lithgow's creepy Trinity Killer.  Season 4 had a helluva shocking climax though and I can't wait to see where this leaves our poor serial murderer Dexter and fam.  Still, Julia Chiles is no John Lithgow.


PRIEST:  Not a great movie, or necessarily a good one.  A lot of missed opportunities plagued my initial viewing and the PG-13 rating is a glaring error.  Needs gouts and geysers of blood.  Gotta love Karl Urban's black hat baddie but I was kinda crossing-my-fingers for more.  Worth a Netflix but it's no Legion....uh, yeah, I kinda preferred that mess to this.

THE CONSPIRATOR:  Besides A River Runs Through It, I've never really taken to Robert Redford's direction.  Still, this is some compelling subject matter and even though I'm fairly certain he gets the politics wrong on this one I want to see those costumes.  And it's a fine cast.  Not gonna push this to the top of my queue or nothin' but it'll get to me eventually.

CUL-DE-SAC (CRITERION BLU):  Here's another flick I've never seen...but Polanski and Criterion?  Yes, please.  

JANE EYRE:  Caught a little bit of this on the plane ride back from San Diego Comic Con, but I hate watching movies on planes so much--those tiny far off screens!  So, on the Netflix queue it goes.  Very gothic looking & Michael Fassbender = must see tv.
